Marriott-Slaterville City
1570 West 400 North
Marriott-Slaterville City, Utah 84404
Phone: 801.627.1919
Facsimile: 801.627.1880
We need the help and support of our community's youth! The Marriott-Slaterville Youth City Council is being re-established for the purpose of initiating, recommending, planning, and implementing activities and programs which promote and enhance youth citizenship and volunteerism within Marriott-Slaterville City.
The Youth City Council is responsible for many community activities and service projects and is a good opportunity to be involved in our great city and get to know other youth. Other advantages in participating are:
Looks great on a resume
Every year Youth City Council members will be selected to serve the youth of Marriott-Slaterville. Members must reside within Marriott-Slaterville City limits and be at least 14, but not older than
Marriott-Slaterville City welcomes your interest in the Youth City Council! Embrace the possibilities of your own potential .....
The application is available to download and print at the link below.