Marriott-Slaterville City
1570 West 400 North
Marriott-Slaterville City, Utah 84404
Phone: 801.627.1919
Facsimile: 801.627.1880
Primary: Tuesday June 30, 2020 & November General Election Tuesday November 3, 2020.
Political Scientist Larry J. Sabato stated “Every election is determined by the people who show up.”
Political parties determine who will represent them on the ballot for the November General Election using primary elections. In Utah, the parties determine the rules to their primaries. As a voter, you may only participate in one party’s primary. For the November General Election, you pick any candidate listed on the ballot and vote for different parties.
Weber County holds elections by mail. Registered residents that have affiliated with a party or have requested a party’s ballot can expect to see a Presidential Primary Ballot appear in their mailboxes. These ballots, signed and sealed by the voters can be returned by mail or delivered to a secure drop box located at any city office, county library or Weber State University. If something happens to your by mail ballot, you can request a new one, vote at Early Voting or vote in person on Election Day at Ogden’s Union Station.